Cat in the Hat

My husband sold the iPad to me by saying that it’d be the easiest way to carry around a library of books for Sal. In theory, this makes a lot of sense, but honestly, I’m still waiting to see how this will rank compared to good ol’ paper books.

What I really love about this format of “Cat in the Hat” is that it is good for a new reader.  It has 2 different modes, 1 where it can be read to you and it highlights the word that is being read, and another where you can read it yourself. There are also delightful words that can be found touching different parts of the page which will show the word and say it as well. This is one of the better kids eBooks that I’ve seen and reminds me a little of the old school tape player and film reviewer that had kids stories at my neighborhood library. Nice way to marry the words with what they say.

I am very interested to see how aggressively children books come out for the iOS and through iBooks – as some of the top 10 books sold in the iBook store are kids books. There’s definitely a market out there for them, and more possibilities for fun games associated with them to check out reading comprehension and other skills.

A tough part for us is finding book topics that he enjoys.   This one unfortunately is not one of them for him, but I know there are lots of Seuss fans out there that would really love what this format offers above and beyond what Seuss already brings to the table.

Cost:  $3.99

Sidenote:  A great “game” that does just that and is so cleverly disguised is “ItzaBitza” (although only on PC).   I am anxiously awaiting for them to come out with a full iPad version as their teaser app “CocoNaut” on the iPad doesn’t do the original game justice.

Feel free to drop a comment if you have other books your kid is enjoying!

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